Pembagian Warisan untuk Istri Kedua Dengan Hukum Adat dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam

Adrian Yumansyah, Liya Sukma


Indonesia is a pluralistic nation where people consisting of various ethnic, racial, class, and religion have separate regulation on the issue of inheritance. The legal system governing inheritance issues, especially concerning the division of the estate to a second wife in Indonesia pluralistic namely customary law and KHI. Inheritance law is the law governing the transfer of ownership rights to inheritance (tirkah) heir, determine anyone deserves to be the heirs and how many parts each. Inheritance problems in the Indonesian legal system lies in the field of privaat law, namely the law governing between one individual with another individual. Based on the above background, the issues to be discussed is about sharing arrangement to a second wife inheritance based on customary laws and KHI, as well as the amount of part second wife inheritance rights based on customary law and KHI. This study uses normative juridical approach using secondary data law made primary, secondary and tertiary legal law. The data obtained and analyzed qualitatively. Specifications research is descriptive analysis that describe comprehensively about the division of the estate to a second wife by customary law and KHI. Conclusion The study says that the right to inherit a second wife under customary law patrilineal contained in this type of inheritance and property income of the same magnitude with children, while in the matrilineal system contained in the type of legacy low and treasure suarang, whereas in the system of parental right to inherit contained in kind treasure of origin, according to the Supreme Court yuriprudensi (PT Bandung on May 6, 1971 No. 80/1970 / Perd / PTB.MA dated December 1, 1971 No. 941 K / SIP / 1971) where the amount equated with child rights and property that its parts ie ¼ if it does not have children and 1/16 when there are children. While the KHI provisions contained in Article 174 KHI, 180KHI, 190 KHI with the amount of 1/8 if no children, and 1/16 when there are children.


division of inheritance, customary law, KHI


Sumber Buku

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Peraturan Perundang-undangan


Kompilasi Hukum Islam

Sumber Lain

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Sumber Internet, ditulis oleh Mehaga Bastanta, Perkembangan Hukum Adat Warisan Karo, diakses pada tanggal 16 April 2016, jam 20.00. “Tipologi Penelitian Hukumâ€, diakses pada tanggal 19 Desember 2015 jam 20.00 WIB.


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