The Event of Naming Crater of Planet Mars By Uwingu Company as Commercial Activity in Space and its Legal Impact Based on International Space Law

Ahmad Fikri Maulidi, Neni Ruhaeni


Commercial activities in space more varied. In addition to mining activities on the Moon and the success of tourism activities space (space tourism), one of the activities are also supporting the commercial activity in space is naming one "spot" in space objects, as is done by private companies Uwingu. These activities generate a profit (profit) potential. Until now, there has been no specific regulations governing the activities of naming objects/features in space, even though these activities will relate to aspects of international space law so as to give rise to legal consequences should be anticipated. Therefore, this study examines the activities of the naming of craters on Mars by the company Uwingu as a form of commercial activity in space and the legal consequences under the law of international space. The method used in this research is normative juridical research method while according to the nature of this study is a descriptive analytical research. Source data used are secondary data, including primary legal materials, secondary law, and tertiary legal materials. Data collection technique is a literature study, while the analytical technique used is the technique of normative analysis. The study concluded that the activities naming craters on Mars by the company Uwingu can be classified as one type of commercial activity in space the most, compared with the previous commercial activities, such as telecommunications; sensing; mining; space tourism, and others because of the similarity of elements, especially in terms of profit (profit). Based on Space Law International, activities naming craters on Mars associated with some aspects of international space law so as to give rise to legal consequences should be anticipated, including: the aspect of expediency and interests (benefit and interest) for all mankind; and aspects of the ban on ownership of space (non-appropriation) along with other celestial objects and aspects of sovereignty (sovereignty).


Naming Crater on Mars, International Space Law, the Naming of Object /Aerospace Features, Uwingu.



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