The Implementation of Consumer Right to Information and the Consumer Right to Make Opinion and Complaint on Service of PDAM Tirta Raharja Based on Bandung Regency Law Number 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection

Ulfah Syarifah, Tatty Aryani Ramli


Consumers PDAM Tirta Raharja of Bandung Regency has the right to obtain information and to hear your opinions and complaints associated with the service taps in giving consumers a chance to test the product it receives and serve customers properly, honestly and non-discriminatory. In practice there are still many complaints filed by customers PDAM Tirta Raharja of Bandung regency. This study examines how the rules regarding the obligation of PDAM Tirta Raharja Bandung Regency in providing information services and receive customer complaints, and how the implementation of the right of consumers to information and the right of consumers to be heard opinions and grievances in the service of PDAM Tirta Raharja Bandung regency. The method used is a normative juridical done by researching library materials or secondary data, using the method of normative analysis qualitative that analyze data obtained by not based on numbers, specification research is analytic descriptive analyze data based on the general theory of society which aims to determining whether or not a relationship between a symptom and society. Research results obtained, the regulations regarding the obligation of taps in providing information and receive customer complaints governed by the Contract Subscription PDAM Tirta Raharja Bandung District, Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2005 on PDAM Tirta Raharja Bandung District and decree No. 22 of 2005 on the Ministry water PDAM Tirta Raharja of Bandung regency. Due to the absence of a clear new rules governing the service taps in accordance with consumer protection in providing the service taps still use the above three rules. Implementation of the right to information and the right to be heard opinions and grievances in the service of PDAM Tirta Raharja Bandung regency has been implemented through several facilities i.e. via telephone, print media, social media/internet, and immediately came to the office of taps. Especially for complaint implemented through ordinances that have found based on the Company Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).


Consumer Protection, Liabilities, Consumer Right of Information, Consumer Right to be Heard


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Peraturan Perundang-Undangan

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Kontrak Berlangganan Sambungan Pipa PDAM Tirta Raharja Kabupaten Bandung

Sumber Lain, diakses pada 15

oktober 2015 pukul. 19.00.

PDAM,, diakses pada 15 oktober 2015 pukul. 19.00., diakses pada 15 oktober 2015 pukul.

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prioritaskan-pelanggan-rumah-tangga, diakses pada 11 januari 2016 pukul. 17.00., diakses pada tanggal 15

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