Aspects of Liability Incurred in Drone Use Based on International Air Law and its Implementation in the Ministerial Regulation Number 90 of 2015 on the Control of Unmanned Aircraft in Indonesian Airspace

Mutiara Jida Samsudin, Neni Ruhaeni


Unmanned aircraft or drones is one form of low technological advancement, which is rapidly developed by the world community in Indonesia is no exception. usefulness originally only used for the benefit of the country as a means of supporting the military defense, now used by the public to be used in a wide range of needs. As a highly technological inventions to help the lives of today's modern, air-conditioned legal practitioners are required to quickly enact legislation that specifically regulates the operation of drones for the operation of drones raises some legal issues that need to be anticipated. Up to now there is no instrument of international law that specifically regulates the operation of the drones. The 1944 Chicago Convention only regulates the use of airspace by aircraft manned by the classification of civil aircraft (civil aircraft) and aircraft state (state aircraft). Although Indonesia have special rules governing the operation of drones issued by the Ministry of Transportation through the Minister Regulation No. 90 2015 On Control of Unmanned Aircraft On Air Space Serviced Indonesia, but has not set the aspect of responsibility in the operation of the drones. This study examines the implementation of regulations based on the law minister of transportation International air especially in the aspect of responsibility arising in the operation of the drones. Method approach taken in this study is normative while according to the nature of this research is descriptive analytical research is research that aims to give a detailed description, systematic and thorough about everything related to the problem aspect of responsibility that must be applied in regulation drone, with describe the legislation in force relating to aspects of the responsibilities associated with the applicable international law on the principles of responsibility and other legal theories. This study concluded that the drones could be classified as state aircraft (aircraft state) that are subject to national legislation of each country that operates drones. Ministerial Decree No. 90 2015 On Unmanned Aircraft Operation legal basis drone users in Indonesia which is the implementation of the provisions set out in the Chicago Convention of 1944. However, these regulations do not regulate the aspect of responsibility in the operation of the drones.


Drone (Unmanned Aircraft), Aircraft (State Aircraft), Aspects Of Drone, Responsibility


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