The Role and Authority of the UN Security Council in Resolution of Armed Conflict in Yemen Under International Law

Mukhsan Mukhsan, Irawati Irawati


The UN Security Council is one of the main UN bodies with a role and authority to maintain international peace and security. In its development, the conflict faced by the UN Security Council currently includes armed conflict in a country. The conflict that is currently underway in the spotlight of the UN Security Council is the armed conflict in Yemen, the Al-Houthi rebels allegedly backed by Iran against the Yemeni government, supported by Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arab Coalition. The object of this research is on how the status of armed conflict in Yemen under international law and the role of the Security Council in dealing with conflicts of Yemen. Writing of this approach is the juridical-normative research using secondary data with primary legal materials is the UN Charter and the Geneva Conventions and their 1949 Additional Protocols I and II 1977 and supported secondary law, specification research is descriptive analysis, a study that describe and explain and analyze the data obtained in the study, the research phase conducted by the study of literature that examines the legal material and to analyze the data the author uses a qualitative method, i.e. the data obtained is then compiled qualitatively to clarify the issue. The results of the research show that the status of the armed conflict in Yemen is an international armed conflict due to Saudi Arabia with the Gulf Arab coalition that helped the government of Yemen and Iran allegedly helped the Al-Houthi group. The role of the UN Security Council issued Resolution 2216 visible in 2015 one of the rules is that the arms embargo for the group Al-Houthi.


Board Security Settings, Conflicts, Yemen, Resolution 2216


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