The Accountability of the Police in Case One False Shoot Causing the Death of a Citizen in Pandeglang, Banten Based on the Regulations of the Chief of Police Number 14 of 2011 on the Professional Ethics Code of the Indonesian Police

Dara Mutiara, Dini Dewi Heniarti


Police are law enforcement officers and has a very essential task in law enforcement as well as creating internal security. The police as law enforcers did not mean he had immunity when it violates international law. Every law-related profession such as judges, lawyers, as well as the police who certainly have limitations in performing its duties and obligations that is the police code of ethics that should be disallowed for the police in carrying out their duties and obligations. The research that the author made in the form of this thesis is to find out how the duties and obligations of police practices relating to firing errors. As well as to how it should be criminal liability for the police who made the mistake of firing. This relates to the enforcement against the police officers who made the mistake is descriptive analytical. The researches that illustrate and explain the provisions of the police in their official duty, which in this paper relates to the firing errors. The method of approach used a normative approach that examines the application of the code of conduct to the police profession as a benchmark for police in carrying out its duties and authorities in Indonesia. the result of research by the author against the police officers who made the mistake of firing, which is already existing regulations regarding police made a mistake firing contained in the legislation and the code of conduct of police, but the existing rules are not applied as it should be. Then there are some obstacles in the implementation of the regulation were due to defend the spirit of his own corps (de corps volunteer). Therefore, police officers should make the mistake of firing dealt with firmly in accordance with the laws and codes of conduct relating to the absence indiscriminately. Law enforcement should have is that is objective and not subjective, which is in accordance with the theory of equality before the law.


Code of Ethics of the Indonesian National Police, Misfire



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