The Supervision Role of BPOM on Paper Used for Snacks Food Packaging Based on the Presidential Regulation Number 3 of 2013 on the Seventh Amendment of Status, Tasks, Functions, Organizational Structure Authority, and Work Mechanism of Non-Government Institutions

Gita Ramadian, Tatty Aryani Ramli


Packaging foods derived from waste paper is very dangerous, because of its lead content, which is a component of heavy metals contained in the ink on the paper, in the waste paper and contaminated food sold by street food business operators that can harm consumers. This study aims to determine the role of supervision of Food and Drug Inspection Agency (BPOM) on the use of recycled paper for packaging food as well as to know the legal regulations related to protecting consumers from the dangers of the use of wastepaper as food wrapping. The method used is normative. By using descriptive analytical research specifications, and using techniques of data collection in the form of literary study that uses the primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary. Then do the field research based on interviews that are supporting the research literature. Data will be analyzed by the method of analysis is qualitative analysis without using formulas and figures. The results of this study illustrate that the surveillance conducted by BPOM to use recycled paper for packaging of food is done, but cannot be implemented to the fullest because it is not supported by the cultural awareness of businesses and consumers who do not care law. Second, the rules in force is not enough to protect consumers, because of the lack of regulations specifically prohibit the use of waste paper as a snack food wrappers.


Consumer Protection, Food Packaging, Used Paper, Agency for Drug and Food



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