The Role of KPAI in Combating Sacrilegious Crime against Children Based on Law Number 35 of 2014 on Child Protection

Alfi Halfawi Dwiguna, Nandang Sambas


Kids are creatures of God Almighty who has the right to live, grow and develop optimally both physically and mentally and psychology. but in reality there are still children who are abused both physically and psychologically. From the data summarized Daily Publishing, based on records of Komnas PA January-April 2014, there were 342 cases of sexual violence against Children. Police Data in 2014, recorded 697 cases of sexual assault against Children, of that number, 726 people have been arrested in the death toll reached 859 people. While data KPAI from January to April 2014, there were 622 reported cases of violence against children and in the months of January to September 2015 KPAI recorded cases of sexual assault on a child up to 1,500 cases. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of State institutions that KPAI in combating the crime of wanton against children associated with Law No. 35 of 2014 on Child Protection, both the effectiveness of the implementation of the role KPAI and obstacles in the implementation of child protection. In this study the author uses descriptive research analysis research that describe and explain and analyze the data obtained in the study. Using normative juridical and sociological juridical or empirical, i.e. normative juridical study using secondary data sources with primary legal materials and secondary law, while the juridical sociological or empirical legal research conducted by examining the primary data. KPAI normatively, has the authority to act as a protector of children in overcoming the crime of wanton against children. It can be seen from Article 76 of Law No. 35 of 2014 on Protection of Children, however in the case make efforts to overcome violence cases occur in children often KPAI only be passive, and the most highly visible KPAI often left behind pace by non-governmental organizations other in immoral handling criminal cases against children. Since the founding KPAI through Act No. 23 of 2002 on Protection of Children, often KPAI experienced some problems and barriers are quite complicated in doing encouragement to the interested parties such as governments, policy makers, law enforcement officers, parents or society to provide encouragement, feedback, socialization to the people of Indonesia that the interest for the growth and development of a child it should still be maintained, it was not easy back your hand when there is an incident of sexual violence for the parties to resolve.


Immoral, KPAI, Agrarian Law Number 35 of 2014


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