The Position and Institutional Function of the National Program of Community Empowerment to Enhance Public Welfare Based on Bandung Regional Regulation Number 06 of 2005 on Community Empowerment Institution (a Field Study in the Village

Muhammad Iqbal Nuh Hakim


The National Program for Community Empowerment Cities is a government program for poverty reduction based on community empowerment. Community empowerment process is done continuously to cultivate a critical awareness of the public against the universal values of humanity. PNPM Mandiri urban destination is a program to improve the welfare and employment opportunities for the poor by providing funding in the form of direct assistance (BL), in its implementation required the establishment of independent community leadership institute. Antapani Kidul has established institutions such as PNPM Urban Self-Reliance Agency of People (BKM). Basically BKM/MFIs are institutions collective leadership of a community resident population of the village, located as institutions and community leaders resident population of the village and is the lead agency poverty reduction activities in the village is concerned, with the main function of controlling or driving (steering) poverty alleviation activities in the urban village so should be able to maintain a position on the control function. BKM/MFIs should be the motor of social solidarity movements in the local village community, also raise awareness of outsiders. To be able to become the driving force, the BKM/MFIs should be trusted either by the citizens of the local people and outsiders. Ability to cooperate arise from a common belief in a society, or at least parts of society. .If the cooperation is based on the group to be believed, that is very important to build a network of partnerships (cooperation) with outside parties. This study uses qualitative descriptive method which is to explore, discover, and describe the position and function of institutions/Board of National Program for Community Empowerment in Urban Village Antapani Kidul. Data collection technique used library studies and field studies. The research location is located in the District, Village Antapani Bandung Kidul. The results of these observations, the conduct of PNPM Urban Program in accordance with the purpose of that activity coverage of social, economic and infrastructure, but the barrier is the lack of socialization program specifically towards user community revolving funds. The overall conclusion of the study is the position and function of the institution/agency PNPM Urban Village Antapani Kidul not optimally implemented. It can be seen from the Community Sector funds, users experiencing congestion is still a lack of public awareness to repay the funds, because society considers these funds are grants.


Position and function of the Institution, the National Program, Community Empowerment


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