The Juridical Review of the Investigators of Corruption Eradication Commission Originating Not from Police and Prosecutor in Conjunction with the South Jakarta District Court Decision No. 36/Pid.Prap/2015/PN.Jkt.Sel

Wildan Alfajrina Budiman, Sholahuddin Harahap


KPK is an institution that is mandated by law to supervise, investigate, and prosecute corruption committed by someone and has been detrimental to the state finance. Investigations conducted by the KPK conducted by investigators from the police and the Attorney institution who has been suspended from his position in his office to work as an investigator at the Corruption Eradication Commission. In the development of the Corruption Eradication Commission has an investigator who did not come from police agencies and the Prosecutor debate among jurists and legal practitioners are divided into two parties that agree and disagree with the existence of an independent investigator in the anti corruption in Indonesia. The Corruption Eradication Commission believes that they may have its own investigators regardless of investigators from the agency, police and prosecutors under Articles 43 and 45 of Law No. 30 of 2002 on the Corruption Eradication Commission which states that the investigator and the investigator in question is an investigator at the Corruption Eradication Commission appointed and dismissed by the Corruption Eradication Commission and Government Regulation No. 63 Year 2005 regarding human resources management System Anti-Corruption Commission which confirms the existence of a permanent employee in the human resources management in the body KPK. The method in this paper the author uses juridical approach normative a study that approaches the problem by conducting a review of the legislation. This research was conducted by examining the data or the literature that is secondary data in the form of legislation, theory, literature, internet, and expert opinion regarding KPK investigators in addition to investigators from the police agencies and the judiciary. In analyzing the data, using analytical descriptive writer that is an analysis of data that describes exactly then analyzed to clarify the issue. The results of research by the author that the basic authority of the Commission to have investigators coming from outside agencies, police and prosecutors are: Article 43 and 45 of Law No. 30 of 2002 on the Corruption Eradication Commission; Article 3 letter a Government Regulation No. 63 Year 2005 regarding Human Resource Management System Corruption Eradication Commission.


KPK, investigators Legal Status, KPK investigator, Investigation Results



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