The Accountability of Professional Advocate in Handling Corruption Cases Based on the Advocate Law and the Code of Ethics of Indonesian Advocates

Adi Aziz Maulana Herawan, Sholahuddin Harahap


The object of study in this research is the form of Liability Advocate Conduct Bribery. Where bribery is a problem that has long appeared, but until now there is still a lot going on, especially in the region of the judiciary, The issues raised in this study is What led advocates to bribery in handling cases that are being handled and how the setting of sanctions or shape liability law advocates to bribery in terms of the Act and the Code of Ethics advocate. The purpose of this study was to find out How to liability that may be imposed against lawyers who practice the profession of bribery in the line of duty in terms of the context of criminal law Positive Indonesia (Law on Corruption, the Law Advocates, and the Code of Professional Ethics of Advocates). And to add to the repertoire of the treasury of literature writing about this issue, and can also be used as reading material for the writing on the subject of accountability Advocate to be developed further so that there is no benefit for the days to come. Method used in this study is the method of literature review of the legal materials on issues of bribery, mainly carried out by lawyers which was then analyzed by content analysis, the analysis addressed the content of the articles of the regulation positive law in Indonesia then linked science theory existing laws, all of which related to the issue of bribery committed by an advocate. These results indicate that the advocate who committed the crime of bribery can be punished accordingly.


Advocates, Corruption, Law, Code of Conduct



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