The Management of Productive Wakaf Money Based on Islamic Law and Law Number 41 of 2004 on Wakaf (a Case Study of Wakaf Management in Darut Tauhid Bandung)

Rizky Dwi Insani, Tata Fathurrohman


Wakaf money is considered to have huge potential to be developed in order to produce and useful for the development of economic activities of the people. In order to benefit from wakaf money run optimally, it requires a manager who is able to manage it professionally, namely Nazhir. In Act No. 41 of 2004 explained that Nazhir include individuals, organizations and legal entities. As Nazhir, Wakaf Office Daarut Tauhiid manages wakaf money given by wakif. This study aims to determine whether the management of the Office of Wakaf Daarut Tauhiid complies or not with the legislation in force, it is necessary to know first how the management of wakaf money that has been set by the legislation in force in Indonesia. The study was conducted using a normative juridical approach that is focused on the use of secondary data. Normative juridical approach by making the theories and opinions of experts as well as the laws and regulations that match the topics studied. As well as research specifications in descriptive analysis, based on data obtained with a library or field research through a process of analysis by using the principles of law and legal research. Management of wakaf money being made by the Office of Wakaf Daarut Tauhiid mobilization and development of wakaf money. The collection of cash wakaf of wakif can be done directly or indirectly. Wakaf Money Management in Daarut Tauhiid not fully in accordance with the legislation in force in Indonesia. Raise funds in cash wakaf, Wakaf Office Daarut Tauhiid still use a conventional bank. Wakaf Office Daarut Tauhiid and LKS-PWU also not cooperating related to issuance of certificate wakaf money, so the Wakaf Office published a new Daarut Tauhiid Charter Wakaf. It also resulted in the implementation of the pledge wakaf in LKS-PWU be yet to be done. As for the development of wakaf money in accordance with the legislation in force, where the designation is for facilities and religious activities, namely the expansion of mosques and dormitories, as well as indirectly distribute to the poor and needy through the treatment performed in the clinic Daarut Tauhiid.


Wakaf, Wakaf Money, Nazhir


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