Isolation and identification of flavonoid compound from pacing rhizome of Costus Speciosus (J.Koenig) Sm.

adrian permana hisa dilaga, Yani Lukmayani, Reza Abdul Kodir


The research about flavonoid compound isolation and compound identification of etanol extract from pacing rhizome of Costus Speciosus (J.Koenig) Sm. Isolation stage includes extraction with maserasi method (95%) with extract-bath 8,4% results in thick extract as many as 135 gram, fracsination using liquid-liquid extract method, using n-heksan solvent, acetate ethyl, and water. Subfracsination is done on acetate ethyl fraction with using preparative KLT. Isolate identification done using UV-Visible spectrophotometry with gestalt reagent. Based on isolate characterization, it can be concluded that isolate is flavonoid compound from flavonol category.


Pacing rhizome, Flavonoid, UV-visible spektrophotometry, gestalt raegent.


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