Faktor-Faktor Yang Menentukan Permintaan Makanan Cepat Saji Di Kalangan Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Bandung: Suatu Tinjauan dalam Perspektif Islam

Wulan Nur Fathonah, Ima Amaliah, Nurfahmiyati Hasan Basri


This study aims to analyze the factors that determine the demand for fast food among students of the Islamic University of Bandung. The research used quantitative descriptive with survey method. Respondents in this study are all Unisba students who come from 10 Faculty taken proportionally. Samples were taken using Michael's Issaac table at 10% alpha. The number of respondents is 263 people taken by random sampling. Measurement of data using Likert Scale 5. The data collection techniques by using questionnaires and direct interviews. The results showed that respondents agree if location is the main factor determining fast food demand with total score of (79,88%), product diversity (75,95%), price (72,95%) and final factor is halal label Amounted to (71.20%). This means that students have not made halal label as a major factor in choosing and buying fast food. Students prefer location, product variety and price as the more dominant factor determining the choice of a product. 


Demand, Fast Food, Student, Halal Label


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.8020

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