Implementasi Etika Bisnis Islam dalam Usaha Travel Umroh di Kota Bandung

Jaiz Muhammad Awwali, Dewi Rahmi, Noviani Noviani


Abstract. Travel Umroh is one of the service companies that facilitate its pilgrims to worship to the holy land. Already as a travel umroh company should apply Islamic business ethics in running its business. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the business travel umroh in Bandung has applied Islamic business ethics in accordance with the principles that have been in the run by the Prophet Muhammad SAW when running his business. The research type is quantitative descriptive with field survey method. Preference data obtained by Likert scale with 25 respondents business actors and 75 respondents service users in the city of Bandung. According to the perceptions of business actors have accepting aspects of Islamic business ethics including into the good category, with the average score for the aspect of shiddiq reaches 69.37%, fathanah aspect reaches 68.32%, the tabligh aspect reaches 73.06%, and on the aspect aqidah reached 71.8%. However, if seen from the perception of service users, there are still 2 aspects that fall into the category enough, that is on the aspect of trust with the average score of 66.06%, and the istiqamah aspect with an average score of 66.88%.

Keywords: travel umroh, Islamic business ethics, shiddiq, amanah, fathanah, tabligh, istiqamah

Abstrak. Travel umroh merupakan salah satu perusahaan jasa yang memfasilitasi para jamaahnya menjalankan ibadah menuju tanah suci. Sudah sesaharusnya perusahaan travel umroh menerapkan etika bisnis Islam dalam menjalankan usahanya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah para pelaku usaha travel umroh di Kota Bandung telah menerapkan etika bisnis Islam sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip yang telah di jalankan oleh Nabi Muhammad Saw ketika menjalankan bisnisnya. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode survey lapangan. Data preferensi diperoleh dengan skala likert dengan 25  responden pelaku usaha dan 75 responden pengguna jasa di Kota Bandung. Menurut persepsi pelaku usaha telah menerepakan aspek aspek etika bisnis Islam termasuk kedalam kategori baik, dengan jumlah rata-rata skor untuk aspek shiddiq mencapai 69,37%, aspek fathanah mencapai 68,32%, aspek tabligh mencapai 73,06%. Namun jika dilihat dari persepsi pengguna jasa, masih terdapat 2 aspek yang termasuk kedalam kategori cukup, yaitu pada aspek amanah dengan nilai rata-rata skor 66,06%, dan aspek istiqamah dengan nilai skor rata-rata 66,88%.

Kata kunci : travel umroh, etika bisnis Islam, shiddiq, amanah, fathanah, tabligh, istiqamah


travel umroh, etika bisnis Islam, shiddiq, amanah, fathanah, tabligh, istiqamah

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