The Relationship Between Mother’s Knowledge About Personal Hygiene with Incidence of Diarrhea in Toddler

Bangbang Ahmad Zakaria, Dadi S. Argadiredja, Undang Komarudin


Diarrhea is an environment-based disee, influenced by both personal hygiene and cleanliness of the housing environment. Good sanitation and supported by good personal hygiene will reduce the risk of diarrheal disease. The purpose of this study to analyze the relationship between mother’s knowledge about personal hygiene with the incidence of dhairrhea in toddlers at Caringin health center. The design of this research is analytic observation using consecutive admission research approach. Sample in this research is mother of toddlers residing in Caringin health center, Bandung city that fulfill the criteria of inclusion and exclusion with total sample minimum 30 people. Data obtained by using questionnaire. Data processing using SPSS and analysis using chi-square test. The result of the research shows mother of toddler who have less knowledge about personal hygiene as many as 2 of 2 people (100,0%), whereas who have good knowledge of personal hygiene not having diarrhea as many as 14 from 23 people (60,9%). Statistical test results using chi-square test at 95% confidence level indicates that there is a statistical relationship between the level of knowledge about personal hygiene with the incidence of diarrhea in the mother of toddler in Caringin health cente, sub district Babakan Ciparay with a value of p=0,021 (value of p <0,05). Diarrhea is not only caused by the mother’s knowledge about personal hygiene but because of others risk factors.


Diarrhea, Knowledge, Mother, Personal Hygiene, Toddler


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