Correlation Between Knowledge, Attitude, and Comfort with Personal Protective Equipment Usage in Construction Workers at a Construction Company in Bandung 2017

Nuranisa Fauziah Hermayati, Budiman Budiman, Raden Ganang Ibnusantosa


In an industrial activity, exposures and risks that exist in the workplace cannot be avoided. Workers who entering a workplace must maintain safety and health by using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitude, and comfort with PPE usage on construction workers in a construction company in Bandung. This was an observational analytic study with cross sectional approach. Research subjects taken in total sampling and obtained as many as 57 respondents. Data were collected by using questionnaire about knowledge of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and PPE, attitude, and comfort in the use of PPE. This research was conducted at the construction company's production site from March to July 2017. The data were analyzed by using Chi square test. The result of the research shows that there was a correlation between knowledge with the use of PPE (p = 0,042), there was a correlation between attitude with PPE usage (p = <0,001), and there was no relationship between comfort with PPE usage (p = 0,329). Based on this research, obtained the conclusion that there was relationship between knowledge, attitude, and there was no relationship between comfort with PPE usage.


attitude, knowledge, personal protective equipment (PPE)


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