Microstructural Changes of Kidney Wistar Rat in Long Term Use of Soursop Leaf Extract

Kemas Yasir, Maya Tejasari, Gemah Nuripah


Soursop leaf is one of the plants that are often used as a traditional medicine. Although relatively safe, the use of traditional medicine has a toxic potential. As an organ of excretion, the kidneys are very sensitive to drug-related toxic responses. The exact condition of the kidneys can be determined by looking at the kidney tissue directly. This study aims to see changes in renal microstructure given soursop leaf extract long term. This study was an experimental in vivo study with a Completely Randomized Design. Wistar rats divided into four groups, control group (normal), and three groups with dosage of 20 mg / kgBW; 40 mg / kgBW and 80 mg / kgBW soursop leaf extract use orally for 60 days then sacrificed, taken the kidney and made preparations. Then the preparations were observed using a light microscope. The microscopic characteristics evaluated were the number of intact renal corpuscle and structural changes of nephron. The results showed that the amount of renal corpuscle in the treatment group was lower than the control, but the result of the statistical test using ANOVA test showed no significant difference between the results in the treatment group and the control group with p> 0,05. In addition, changes in the structure of nephrons in necrosis of the tubules, thrown in the distal tubules and interstitial edema that indicating injury. The conclusion of this study is a tend decrease of renal corpuscle count and


Kidney, Long Term Effect, Nephron, Soursop Leaf


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/kedokteran.v0i0.8232

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