The Correlation between Knowledge about Effect of Cigarette with Smoking Habit in Public Places on Student Faculty of Medicine Unisba

Santika Sajati Sunirja, Eka Nurhayati, Yuli Susanti


The number of active smokers in Indonesia are continuosly increased, responsible for harmful effects for the community and the environment. The number of active smokers among college student is quite high, including in medical student although medical students have learnt effect of cigarette. The aim of this research was to identify the relationship of knowledge about bad effect of cigarette with smoking habit in public places on student of Medical Faculty Bandung Islamic University.  The research was done with cross sectional method. The analysis carried out using chi square. The study was conducted in Medical Faculty of Bandung Islamic University from March to June 2017. Subject was the active smokers among student of Medical Faculty of Bandung Islamic University class of 2013 to 2016 (52 students). Questionnaire contain 13 question of knowledge about effect of cigarette and smoking habit used in this research. The result showed that knowledge about effect of cigarette were in high level 34,6%, moderate 30,8%, and low 34,6%. The majority of respondents had smoking habit in public places (88,5%). The result indicated that there were significant correlation between knowledge about bad effect of cigerette and smoking habit in public places.


Effect of cigarette, knowledge, public places, smoking habit


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