Relationship between Physical Loads with Musculoskeletal Complaint in Construction Worker

Destya Suci Nuraeni, M. Ahmad Djojosugito, RB. Soeherman Herdiningrat


Construction workers that working in a construction company in Bandung Regency are the one who use physical strength. These physical strengths include lifting weights and engaging in activities that require a great amount of energy in the continuity of their work so that they have a risk of musculoskeletal complaints. The purpose of this research is to know the categories of physical workload, the type of musculoskeletal complaints and the relationship between physical workload with musculoskeletal complaints on construction workers. The study was conducted at Construction Company in Bandung Regency in 2017. This study use observational analysis method with cross sectional approach. Data for this study was took in the form of primary data related to the assessment of physical workload based on cardiovascular load, meanwhile the musculoskeletal complaints using Nordic Body Map. Samples obtained by simple random sampling obtained 61 people who meet the inclusion criteria and then observed with chi square. The result of the study show that most of the subjects including the light category of 98.1%, most pre-employment complaints were waist by 13.1 %% while the post-work complaint was 3.3% and there was a significant relationship of 5% between the physical workload with the complaint musculoskeletal.


Physical Workload, Musculoskeletal Complaint


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