Incidence and Characteristics Patient of Intracerebral Hemorrhagic Stroke at RSUD Al-Ihsan

Sonia Sonia, Nurdjaman Nurimaba, Lelly Yuniart


Stroke is a focal or global neurological disorders with sudden onset and lasts more than 24 hours or the cause of death and probably derived from vascular. Stroke can cause death, disability, and may heal, but many people who have a stroke need long-term support. The cause of death caused by non communicable diseases is estimated at 6.7 million due to stroke. Risk factors of intracerebral hemorrhage stroke were divided into modifiable risk factors as hypertension, treatment of thrombolytic or anticoagulant, history of stroke, diabetes mellitus, alcohol, drugs especially cocaine and non-modiafiable risk factors such as age, gender, vascular malformation, amyloid angiopathy, intracranial neoplasm, ethnic negroid. Objective research to determine the incidence and characteristics patient of intracerebral haemorrhagic stroke at RSUD Al-Ihsan in year 2016. This study is a descriptive study with a sample selection techniques total population sampling. Data used is secondary data from patient medical record. The results of this study indicate the number of events is 116 people and the characteristics of patients most often are hypertension, age 45-64 years, male gender, history of stroke, and diabetes mellitus. Based on the clinical symptoms of the most experienced dizziness, followed by weakness in the limbs, numbness, headaches, talk rero, nausea, numbness, stiffness of limbs, blurred vision, trouble speaking, vomiting, deviation of the tongue, and difficult to open mouth.


intraserebral hemorrhagic stroke, risk factors


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