Pengaruh Letak Lesi Hemisfer Serebri terhadap Derajat Depresi dengan Metode Zung Pasien Stroke Infark di Poli Neurologi RSAU Dr.M. Salamun Bandung Periode 2016

Andhina Nur Kumala Dewi, Widayanti Widayanti, Sakinah R. Kince


Abstract: Stroke infarct is necrosis of brain tissue due to decreased cerebral bloodflow supply. Damage to brain tissue can cause mental emotional disorder and depression is one disorder that is often encountered. As many as 625,000 new cases of ischemic stroke each year, and approximately 185,000 stroke survivors with depression. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the lesion of the cerebral hemispheres of the degree of depression with the Zung method in stroke infarct patients of Poli Neurology RSAU Dr.M. Salamun Bandung. This study was an observational study with cross sectional analytic. Statistic test used Fisher's Exact Test. The number of respondents in this study is determined two proportions hypothesis formula were include 54 people, consisting of 27 lesions of the right hemisphere and 27 of the left hemisphere. Data were analyzed using unpaired t-test with SPSS program. The results showed the left hemisphere lesion infarct at stroke patients with mild depression found as many as 14 people (51.9%), moderate degree 3 persons (11.1%), and 10 with no depression (37%). In the right hemisphere stroke patients with mild depression found as many as 17 people (63%), moderate degree 1 person (3.7%), and 9 people with no depression (32.1%). The results of the analysis of the influence of the cerebral lesion on the degree of depression was obtained p = 0591 (P≥0.05). In conclusion, there is no relationship between the location of cerebral lesions on the degree of depression. The right and left hemisphere both have a similliar function in regulating emotions.

Abstrak: Stroke infark merupakan kematian jaringan otak akibat penurunan pasokan aliran darah otak. Rusaknya jaringan otak dapat menyebabkan gangguan mental emosional dan depresi  merupakan salah satu gangguan yang sering dijumpai. Tercatat sebanyak 625.000 kasus baru stroke iskemik setiap tahunnya, dan sekitar 185.000 penderita stroke yang mengalami depresi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh letak lesi hemisfer serebri terhadap derajat depresi dengan metode Zung pasien stroke infark di Poli Neurologi RSAU Dr.M. Salamun Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Uji statistik menggunakan uji Fisher’s Exact Test. Jumlah responden pada penelitian ini ditentukan menurut rumus uji hipotesis dua proporsi adalah 54 orang yang terdiri dari 27 lesi hemisfer kanan dan 27 lesi hemisfer kiri. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji t-tidak berpasangan dengan program SPSS . Hasil penelitian menunjukan pada stroke infark lesi hemisfer kiri ditemukan pasien dengan depresi ringan sebanyak 14 orang(51.9%), sedang 3 orang (11.1%), dan normal 10 orang(37%). Pada stroke hemisfer kanan ditemukan pasien dengan depresi ringan sebanyak 17 orang(63%), sedang 1 orang(3.7%), dan normal sebanyak 9 orang(32.1%). Hasil analisis dari pengaruh letak lesi serebri terhadap derajat depresi didapatkan p=0.591(P≥0.05). Simpulan, tidak terdapat hubungan antara letak lesi serebri terhadap derajat depresi. Hemisfer serebri kiri dan kanan memiliki peranan dalam pengaturan emosi.


Depression, Stroke Infarct, Left Hemisphere Lesion, Right Hemisphere Lesion


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