Gambaran Gejala Klinis Computer Vision Syndrome pada Karyawan Akuntansi di Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung

Ipan Yustiarta, Yuli Susanti, Budiman Budiman


Abstract: Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is an occupational hazard which has highest prevalence in the 21st century. These clinical symptoms are not concentrated in a clear group of symptoms. The symptoms are ranging from computer headaches, eye strain symptoms as well as supporting symptoms. The aim of this study was to determine the proportion of each clinical symptoms of computer vision syndrome in accounting employees at Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS). The study was performed using observational descriptive method with cross sectional approach. Questionnaires were used as a research instrument and distributed to 49 accounting employees that qualified for the inclusion criteria. The results of this study were analyzed descriptively by calculating each respective proportions of the clinical symptoms of CVS and presented at the presenting tables. The results of this study showed each respective proportions of clinical symptoms of CVS. 17 people suffered from headache (35%), 24 people suffered from sore eyes (49%), 9 people suffered from redness and itching of the eye (18%), 14 people suffered from blurred vision (29%), 29 people suffered from neck pain (59%), 9 people suffered from watery eyes (18%), 10 people suffered from eyebrows and pain around the eyes (20%) and 3 people suffered from nausea (6%). Neck pain is the main symptoms of CVS that is most commonly found. This symptom is caused by three factors such as work environment design, posture while working and sitting for long periods. Supporting symptom that is most commonly found is the eyebrows and pain around the eyes. This symptom may appear after the eyes have entered the  resting point of accomodation or the black focus that is still being used to work.

Abstrak: Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) merupakan occupational hazard dengan prevalensi tertinggi pada abad 21. Gejala klinis dari CVS tidak terkonsentrasi secara jelas, melainkan berupa kisaran gejala computer headache, eye strain symptoms serta gejala-gejala pendukung lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proporsi dari masing-masing gejala klinis computer vision syndrome pada karyawan akuntansi di Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin Bandung (RSHS). Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Kuesioner digunakan sebagai instrumen penelitian yang diberikan kepada 49 karyawan akuntansi di RSHS yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menghitung masing-masing proporsi gejala klinis CVS yang kemudian disajikan dalam tabel penyaji data.  Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan masing-masing proporsi gejala klinis dari CVS yaitu gejala sakit kepala sebanyak 17 orang (35%), mata terasa pedih sebanyak 24 orang (49%), kemerahan dan gatal pada mata sebanyak 9 orang (18%), penglihatan buram 14 orang (29%), nyeri leher 29 orang (59%), mata berair 9 orang (18%), alis dan sekitar mata terasa sakit 10 orang (20%) serta gejala mual sebanyak 3 orang (6%). Gejala nyeri leher adalah gejala utama dari CVS yang paling banyak ditemukan. Gejala ini diakibatkan oleh faktor desain lingkungan kerja, postur tubuh ketika bekerja dan duduk dalam waktu lama. Gejala pendukung yang paling banyak ditemukan adalah alis dan sekitar mata terasa sakit. Gejala ini dapat muncul setelah mata mengalami resting poin of accomodation atau fokus gelap yang masih digunakan untuk bekerja.


CVS, Occupational Hazard, Neck Pain


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