Perbandingan Gambaran Foto Thorax pada Anak Tuberkulosis Milier Sebelum dan Sesudah Pemberian Obat Anti Tuberkulosis

Maretha Puspa Nuraili, Noormatany Noormatany, Mirasari Putri



Miliary tuberculosis is a disease characterized by the spread of haematococcus Mycobacterium Tuberculosis with a chest x-ray that features nodule and infiltrate, usually occurring within the first 2-6 months after initial infection. Miliary tuberculosis often occurs in children aged less than 2 years because their specific cellular immunity, macrophage function, and local defense mechanisms of the lungs have not yet developed; as a result, TB germs easily multiply. Chest x-ray is one of the supporting examinations to diagnose TB in children. The objective of this study is to compare the images of chest x-rays of Miliary TB in children before and after the administration of anti-tuberculosis drugs 6 month at Al-Ihsan Hospital, Bandung from 2016-2018. This study uses an observational analytic method total sampling. This study uses secondary data in the form of medical records. This research uses a total sampling method using the Mac-Nemar Chi square method. This study was obtained from secondary data consisting of medical records. The study subjects were children diagnosed with Miliary Tuberculosis. The results of a study of 19 medical record data obtained by abnormal hilum (42.10%) (42.10%), abnormal infiltrates (68.42%) (21.05%) abnormal and nodules (63.15%) normal (21.32%) abnormal by comparing the chest x-ray before and after treatment. Mac-Nemar Chi square results before and at the hilum summary, infiltration and knot were obtained p = 0.02 (p <0.05), can be concluded related to significant changes in hilum description after anti-tuberculosis drug therapy.

Keywords: Miliary Tuberculosis, children, chest x-ray


Abstrak. Tuberkulosis Milier adalah penyakit yang dikarakteristikan dengan penyebaran kuman Mycobacterium Tuberculosis secara hematogen dengan gambaran foto thorax yang ciri khas terdapat nodular dan infiltrate, biasanya terjadi dalam waktu 2-6 bulan pertama setelah infeksi awal. Tuberkulosis milier sering terjadi pada anak usia kurang dari 2 tahun karena imunitas selular spesifik, fungsi makrofag dan mekanisme lokal pertahanan parunya belum berkembang sempurna sehingga kuman TB mudah berkembangbiak. Foto thorax merupakan salah satu pemeriksaan penunjang untuk menegakkan diagnosis TB pada anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan gambaran foto thorax Tuberkulosis milier pada anak sebelum dan sesudah pemberian obat anti tuberkulosis selama 6 bulan di RS Al-Ihsan Bandung tahun 2016-2018. Penelitia ini menggunakan metode total sampling dengan pendekatan metode Mac-Nemar Chi square. Penelitian ini diperoleh dari data sekunder berupa rekam medis. Subjek penelitian adalah anak yang terdiagnosis Tuberkulosis Milier. Hasil penelitain dari 19 data rekam medis didapatkan gambaran hilus (42,10%) normal (42,10%) abnormal, infiltrate (68,42%) normal (21,05%) abnormal dan nodule (63,15%) normal (21,32%) abnormal dengan membandingkan gambaran foto thorax sebelum dan sesudah pengobatan. Hasil Mac-Nemar Chi square sebelum dan sesudah pada gambaran hilus, infiltrate dan nodeule didapatkan p=0,02 (p<0,05), dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perubahan yang signifikan pada gambaran hilus setelah terapi obat anti tuberkulosis.

Kata kunci : Tuberkulosis Milier, anak, foto thorax



Tuberkulosis milier, anak, foto torax

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