Interpersonal communication in Institutions of Muhammadiyah Cikedokan Tasikmalaya In Conveying the Message Propagation (Descriptive Study interpersonal communication between the coach and the Deaf Students)

Haedar Nashir


Children with hearing impairment are children who have retardation in the hearing. The drawback in the hearing has no effect on the reduced intelligence; only a slowdown in receiving information that became obstacles for their response was limited to the vision. They still have the right to obtain information to develop the personality of themselves and their abilities, especially in the information of Islam. Granting such rights can be facilitated one of them with an education that can be found one of them in SLB Aisyiyah Cikedokan Tasikmalaya. This study seeks to understand and describe how the process of interpersonal communication between the coach or teacher and student in the SLB Aisyiyah Cikedokan Tasikmalaya.


Hearing impairment, Interpersonal Communication, Da'wah


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