Response of the Community of Pasirlangu Village of District Cisarua to the Broadcast of "MOTIF" Program and the Islamic Religious in Radio Mora

Ashfiana Chaerani Islam


The broadcast of "MOTIF" Program and the Islamic Religious contain discussions of state rules and Islamic rules. The program covers economic, political, cultural, faith, and worship. The program's objectives are to ensure that people feel fulfilled their information needs. It is not just common knowledge that people get, but also knowledge of Islam. The interest of the broadcast of "MOTIF" and Religious Islam program is that people become aware of the law, whether the law of the state and religion. Given this awareness, people will never be left behind in terms of economy and education. The program also has become a medium of propaganda to remind each other among fellow Muslims. Public response to the broadcast program "MOTIF" and the Islamic Religious were varied. Some are happy to listen, and there is a feeling not interested in this program. Results of research conducted in the Pasirlangu Village of Cisarua District showed that the majority of people give positive feedback. It is the proof of the success of Radio Mora in providing knowledge about the rules of state and religion, seen from the positive response of the public.


Radio Mora, Broadcast of "MOTIF" Program, Islamic Religious


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