Andalusia was once a symbol of the history of Islam. It involved faith and hypocrisy. More than seven centuries, Islam built civilization and science on Andalusia. However, the robustness of Islam was collapsed because of the Muslim’s greed for wealth and power. In the story of Andalusia, there are many moral and propaganda messages contained. It covers the significance of Muslims to remind each other, care for others, building ukhuwah robustness, as well as a strong belief to the Supreme Oneness of Allah. In addition, there is a message for the preachers to have sincerity in conveying the message of God, continuing the teachings of the Prophet, without expecting gift from people, because there is a more equitable: Allah SWT. In this study, the method of content analysis was employed, by promoting moral and propaganda messages and historical facts to be taken into account.
Message, Da’wah,´Andalusia
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