Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Toko Rahayu Frame Bandung

Imam Maulana, Magnaz Lestaria Oktaroza, Nunung Nurhayati


Rahayu Frame Bandung Store is a family business engaged in wall decoration is located at 101 Veterans Road Bandung. Wall decoration are like photo frames, paintings, prayer schedules, calligraphy, unique carvings and others. Rahayu Frame Bandung Store is one of the most complete frames agent in Bandung city because many motives and types of frames offered. The other frame sellers mostly order the frames to Rahayu Frame Bandung Store. Customers can order frames or other wall hangings with the number of units or with large quantities. The management system at Rahayu Frame Bandung Store especially sales, production, and finance. Rahayu Frame Bandung Store has a special processing system consisting of sales, production, and finance. In the three parts of sales, production, and finance there are weaknesses in the management system and also the lack of appropriate documents in each section.Based on the above, the study aims to determine the activities of the management information system Sales, Production, and Finance are currently being implemented by Rahayu Frame Bandung Store. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method, the methodological approach FAST (Framework for the Application of System Technique) and the engineering development of JAD (Joint Application Development) to follow the stages of the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) so that the final result of the system will get the system developed a structured and well defined and clear. The results obtained from the results of system development is a design of information systems management of sales, production, and finance that can support operational needs with effectiveness and efficiency.


Management information system, Rahayu Frame Bandung Store.


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