Design Management Information System Of Ziswaf In Baitul Maal Bandung Islamic University

Yonoki Yonoki, Magnaz Lestira Oktaroza, Elly Halimatusadiah


This research aims to understand management information system of ZISWaf in Baitul Maal Bandung Islamic University currently and to design model of management information System of ZISWaf in Baitul Maal Bandung Islamic University. Research triggered by the fact that management information system Baitul Maal Bandung Islamic University still lacks are still have not use information systems that available, resulting in management ZISWaf absorbing not maximal and have not been in accordance with provisions from the BAZNAZ Plus recording still manual activity , a lot of activity not using form and recording transactions are still not based on accounting Standart.The methodology that use in the research is descriptive methods to done through the system development by using the method system development FAST ( the framework for the application of system technique ) and engineering development JAD ( join application development ).The results from system development was done  by the writer design of management information system of ZISWaf is hope to solve the problems before in order to keep the quality of services increasing and management who created ZISWaf mandate , professional , transparent , accountable and watching syariah compliance .


Information System, Baitul Maal, ZISWaf Management


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