Perancangan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan U.D Belyanza Hijab

Genies Dinda Sparinda, Magnaz O L, Nunung Nurhayati


The current information system is needed in any economic activity, one of them on creative economic activity According to the special survey of the Creative Economy (2016) creative economy accounted for 7.38% of the total national economy. Creative industries are part of the creative economy. Belyanza Hijab is one brand of creative industries in the city since May 17, 2011. Belyanza Hijab founded by Nita Beliani Burhan.problems that occur in the management of Hijab Belyanza include business management on Hijab Belyanza still using manual systems. All business activities conducted from the start of recording out of the raw material, the production of goods recording, recording sales and purchases are still done manually, and the lack of human resources is also an obstacle faced by Belynza Hijab. Another problem is the lack of supervision Belyanza Hijab against raw material inventory in the warehouse. The method used is descriptive research method using FAST system development (Framework for the Application of System Technique) ring, and so can reach the final hasila and effective system of design done efisien.Hasil analyst is a production management information system design, inventory , sale and purchase in accordance with the requirements of Hijab Belyanza in the face of the problems that exist. The advantage of the resulting system is adequate documents, systems and procedures that support the internal control, and the use of databases that can support datatransaksi management that produces an effective and efficient information in decision-making. Results from the design that do leh analyst is a production management information system design, inventory, sales and purchasing to meet the business needs Belyanza Hijab in the face of existing problems. The advantages of the proposed system are the documents, systems and procedures that support the management of the database that supports the management of transaction data and predicted to produce effective information in making decisions.


Information Systems, Production, Inventory, Sales, Purchasing


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