The Influence of Financial Performance on The Coorperate Value by Using Disclosure of CSR as The Moderating Variable (A study at Mining Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2014)

Shintia Triyuanita, Edi Sukarmanto, Heliana Heliana


For a company, increasing the financial management and disclosure of CSR is a must in order to attract the investor. Optimization of corporate values which are the goals can be
achieved through the implementation of the financial management function,
whereby a financial decision has taken will affect other financial decisions and
have an impact on the value of the company. One of the factors considered in
assessing a company's investors can be seen from the financial performance of the
company. The financial performance of the company is one of the factors that are
seen by potential investors to determine the investment shares. In addition to
financial performance there are other factors that can increase the value of the
company alleged. One of them is the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR). The company strives to increase corporate value by applying and disclose
CSR which aims to attract investors to invest. This research aims to find out the
influence of the financial performance of the company, how great the
influence of CSR disclosure against the value of the company, as well as how
much influence the disclosure of CSR does in moderating the financial performance of
the company.
The research method used is the verification method with the technique of
regression analysis regression, analysis simple and moderation. Sample research
used is 12 mining companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange in 2012-
2014. Data collection techniques use the documentation method. Types of data
used are secondary data. The data source of this study is an annual financial report.
The results of this study indicate the financial performance, seen from ROA,
significantly affect the value of the company as the disclosure of CSR does to the
company's value. In addition, CSR disclosure significantly gives influence on moderating the influential
financial performance to the value of the company.


Return On Assets, disclosure of CSR, corporate values


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