The Influence of Information System Quality and The information Quality on User Satisfaction of Software Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) at PT Semen Padang

Selviani Dwi Putri, elly Halimatusadiah, Nunung Nurhayati


The success of a system can be measured by the level of satisfaction of users accessing the system. At this time, information has become the intangible assets, which if these are properly managed, these can be used to increase the productivity and quality of the company. The information system is used to facilitate the operational functions in a company known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). The research is aimed to find out how great the quality of information systems user satisfaction ERP software is, and to determine how much the influence of the quality of information ERP software on user satisfaction is, and to determine how much influence of the quality of information systems and quality of information on user satisfaction in the ERP software PT. Semen Padang is.
The method used in this research is descriptive and verification methods. Data collecting technique in this study is a field study with questionnaires and documentation, as well as the study of literature. The analysis tool used is multiple regression.
The results of the research process in the field resulted in the conclusion are (1) the quality of information systems and quality of information on PT. Semen Padang is classified into high category; (2) Quality of information systems influences the user satisfaction, with the effect of 57.14% (3) Quality of information significantly influences user satisfaction, with the effect of 41.38% (4) The quality of information systems and quality of information influence user satisfaction. The amount of the incfluence is as much as 98.5%.


information systems, accounting information, user satisfaction


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