The Influence of The Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibilityand Company's Size on The Company's Profitability (A Study on Mining Companies Listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange year 2013-2014)

Gani Saputra


This research aims to seek out the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility and Total Asset toward the profitability on mining companies listed on the Stock Exchange. The research uses verificative, descriptive-quantitative method. The populations on this research are companies that run in mining sector that is listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange year 2013-2014 using a purposive sampling technique. So, the samples used in this research are 35 companies. This research uses a multiple linear regression analysis with Dummy Result variable showing that the disclosure of CSR significantly influences the
Return on Asset (ROA) while Total Asset of a company has no influence on Return on Asset (ROA) of mining companies on the Stock Exchange. As a result, there is simultaneously a significant influence on the disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility and Total Aasset on the Return on Asset (ROA). The mining companies listed in the Stock Exchange have a great influence as much as 8.3%.


Corporate Social Responsibility, Profitability , Multiple Regression Analysis.


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