The Influence of Organization Ethics and Good University Govermance on The Organization performances (A Survey on an Institution in Bandung)

Winni Puspitasari, Sri Fadillah, Kania Nurcholisah


The management of college institutions is no easy matter to run. There is a
need for ethics to set how someone inside of them has to be ethical and behaving
in running the responsibility and authority in accordance with the rules that have
been made. The ethics also would bring morality as the groundwork of act and behave
in a life together especially in the neighborhood of an organization. Besides that, for
achieving the development of high quality college, there should
be a standard in its management namely by the concept of good university
governance ( GUG ). It is expected that ethics in the organization and the concept
of good university governance will have an influence to improve the quality of the
performance of the universities. In that reason, this research is done to find out how the organization ethics and good university governance will influence the performance of the organization
on the institute of which is located in the city of Bandung.
Methods used in this research is a method of
survey data analysis using a quantitative method.
Based on the the data analysis, this research shows that organization ethics give influence to the organization performance as much as 28.8 %. The good university governance also owns influence toward the organization performance as much as
32,4 %. While simultaneously the results show that organization ethics and good university governance influence the organization performance at an institution in Bandung as much as 62,1%.


Ethics Orgnization, Good University Governance, Organisational Performance


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