Kajian Upaya Penurunan Dampak Urban Heat Island di Kota Tanjungpinang

Nurul Arafah, Ernady Syaodih


Urban heat island is a situation where the temperature of urban higher than the outskirts of nearby.One effort to assess the heating microclimate in urban areas can be done with the urban heat island (UHI) using Landsat. The UHI phenomenon has actually been investigated by Luke Howard (a British manufacturing chemist and amateur meteorologist) in 1810-an, which is a consequence of the lack of vegetation as cover land and low humidity. The aim of the research is to reduce the heat in the city Tanjung pinang using trees as reducing medium heat is caused by the emergence of the urban heat island. The method of the approach that was undertaken of identification to scatter surface temperatures across the municipality in the city Tanjungpinang supported by analysis surface temperatures use satellite images. Then followed by counting the trees needed as a media febrifuge or land green space needed to lower the heat in the Tanjungpinang city.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pwk.v0i0.6227

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