The Study of Agricultural Land Transfer Function to Rice Self-Sufficiency in Bekasi Regency

Robbinov Dwi Ardi, Ina Helena Agustina


Bekasi Regency is an administrative region that has extensive agricultural area participating food support on a national scale. However, economic development in Bekasi Regency has resulted in competition of land use. The purpose of this study is to analyze the rate of conversion of agricultural land in Bekasi Regency from 1988 to 2010 and to identify the impact of agricultural land conversion to the rice self-sufficiency in Bekasi Regency. Self-sufficiency of rice production is seen from a comparison of the rice produced by the population on the consumption of rice. The analysis technique is by using ArcGIS spatial analysis to determine the conversion of agricultural land in Bekasi Regency. The data were taken from the land area in Bekasi Regency from 1988 to 2010. The calculation of rice self-sufficiency in rice production is seen from a comparison with the amount of rice consumption per capita in Bekasi Regency by using surplus analysis deficits. The calculation result shows that there is quite a serious effect on the conversion of agricultural land to rice self-sufficiency in Bekasi Regency. In fact, Bekasi Regency that is known as one of the national granary is not self-sufficient in rice.


Transfer Function, Agricultural Land, Rice Self-Sufficiency


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