The Sustainable Development of Rural Area in Muaragembong District of Bekasi Regency

Enggar Septika Diyarni, Hilwati Hindersah


Rural areas in the Muaragembong District include coastal areas. Five of the six villages in the region is directly adjacent to the beach. Under the condition, the rural areas are potentially affected by high abrasion. In addition, rural areas are also the Citarum River estuary downstream or also potentially can be affected by the flooding of the floods and flood runoff. Results of water tests conducted by taking samples from the five-point estuary reveal the content of substances above the threshold. This research is to create a sustainable rural area in the Muaragembong District. The methods of analysis used physical analysis to identify disaster-prone areas; social analysis to assess the quality of human resources as a determinant of the quality of education and poverty; and economic analysis by analyzing commodities. Results of the analysis show that the abrasion conditions from 2002 to 2015 covered 1637.12 or 10% of the area. Besides, the quality of human resources is low since 40% of the population has not completed primary school and the number of poor people increased from 9664 in 2013 to 14450 in 2014. However, the results show the presence of the economic potential of the region in the agricultural and fisheries sectors and ponds producing mujaer and bandeng that are competitive commodities in the area. Under these circumstances, there are needs of development in the rural area by taking into account the physical aspects of social and economic conditions of the region to achieve sustainability.


Development, Rural Areas, Sustainable


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