Identification of Protected Areas Changes in Tesso Nilo National Park of Pelalawan Regency

Tengku Fadlah Apriandi, Saraswati Saraswati


Tesso Nilo is one of the national parks that make a complete plant varieties in Indonesia. Tesso Nilo is also the last refuge for Sumatran elephants in Indonesia. However, more advanced and development due to human needs makes the existence of Tesso Nilo is threatened. The greater need for space and economy makes the existence of Tesso Nilo as a protected area is threatened by palm plantations that are more wide from year to year. Various kinds of squatters crisscross in the Tesso Nilo national park. There is the form of a company as well as individual, and one mode of encroachment that are discussed in this thesis that abuse the indigenous land for the benefit of individuals. It is supported by the rules of the government saying that land is customary land managed by the community. This rule makes the person who is not responsible utilize their ancestral lands for individual benefits. Therefore, it is necessary to study the identification of protected areas of Tesso Nilo National Park to determine how much land conversion that is occurred in the Tesso Nilo and any factors which cause of land conversion in Tesso Nilo National Park.


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