A Study of Sustainable Land Use Management Around Kalimalang Region of Bekasi City

Nur Evy Oktavya, Yulia Asyiawati


The development of a city population increases the land need for housing, social activities, and economic activities. On the other hand, the availability of land is fixed, resulting in land conversion like in Kalimalang Region of Bekasi City. Kalimalang Region lies in the middle of Bekasi City. It serves as a protected area. In fact, at this time, Kalimalang Region is utilized by people for residential, commercial, and service activities. The socio-economic activities in ​​Kalimalang throw large amount of waste. This resulted in a decrease in river water quality of Kalimalang, which is actually one source of raw water to meet water needs in Bekasi City. It is therefore necessary to study the land use control in the surrounding area of Kalimalang Region in order to realize sustainable environmental condition that is suitable with spatial planning. The goals of this study covers (1) identification of the characteristics of people living in Kalimalang; (2) the identification of factors of land use irregularities; and (3) the identification of factors that influence land use. The methods of analysis are undertaken to achieve these objectives. They are is the method of imposing the utilization of existing land with the spatial planning of funds analysis of land suitability; correlation analysis contingency to see the relationship between land use to the conditions, and descriptive analyzes to provide an overview of spatial policy of Bekasi City. By using these analyses, land use in the area of ​​Kalimalang is projected to be shifting 65.80% of the total land area covering 123.938 ha. This is due to low-income levels and high accessibility of the region to the workplace community. To overcome the condition, the utilization of Kalimalang area must be controlled by restoring the function of the area as the protected area. Therefore, the steps are to relocate the people living in the area and rearranging the Kalimalang Region in accordance with the carrying capacity and the capacity of the region. This is done in order to realize sustainable land use in the area of ​​Kalimalang.


Land Use Management, Land Use, Functional Conservation Area, Sustainable Land Utilization


Moekijat, 1980, Kamus Management, Alumni, Bandung

Barnett, Jonathan 1982. Introduction to Urban Design. New York: Harper & Row Publishers.

Brundtland Report, 1987, Our Common Future. Oxford University Press, Oxford

Undang-Undang Nomor 26 Tahun 2007 Tentang Penataan Ruang

Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR) Kota Bekasi 2011 – 2031

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pwk.v0i0.2891

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