Kajian Tingkat Penerapan Teknologi System of Rice Intensification pada Usaha Tani Padi Sawah Organik di Desa Cibatu Kecamatan Cikembar

Siti Itun Darojatun


Abstract. In line with the program of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia, the Strategic Agricultural Development Command (Kostratani), which includes the construction of IT-based facilities and infrastructure (sarpras), to human resources. Agriculture through the Agricultural Human Resources Extension and Development Agency (BPPSDMP) launched the Agricultural Development Strategic Command Movement (Kostratani) in Sukabumi District as a Pilot Project for the Kostratani Movement. For this reason, the Sukabumi Agriculture Service collaborates with LPEM BAZNAS to carry out an Organic Rice program using the System of Rice Intensification method. The availability of adequate land and water facilities has made Cibatu Village the designated place for implementing the program. The purpose of this study is to identify the level of application of System of Rice Intensification technology and the effect of rice production after using the System of Rice Intensification and to analyze the constraints and shortcomings of applying this technology. The approach method in this research is a qualitative method approach to associative problem formulation and a qualitative method with inductive principles. The associative approach is a research question that asks the relationship between two or more variables. The inductive principle in case study research encourages the resolution of certain cases, through testing a theory and the process is carried out through investigating a particular case by describing the data as an analysis process. The analyzes carried out in this study include: 1) analysis of Scoring and Interval Determination; 2) Qualitative Descriptive analysis; 3) Difference Test for Two Samples in Pair. The results of this study indicate that the application of System of Rice Intensification technology has an effect on increasing rice production. In addition to increasing rice production, this method also improves rice quality which has an impact on the selling price of rice and also has an impact on environmental preservation.

Keywords: Technology, System of Rice Intensification, Difference Test for Two Samples in Pair, increased rice production, environmental Conservation.

Abstrak. Sejalan dengan program Kementrian Pertanian Republik Indonesia Gerakan Komando Strategis Pembangunan Pertanian (Kostratani) yang di dalamnya, dilakukan juga pembangunan sarana dan prasarana (sarpras) berbasis IT, hingga SDM. Pertanian melalui Badan Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan SDM Pertanian (BPPSDMP) meluncurkan Gerakan Komando Strategis Pembangunan Pertanian (Kostratani) di Kabupaten Sukabumi sebagai Pilot Project Gerakan Kostratani. Untuk itu Dinas Pertanian Sukabumi bekerja sama dengan LPEM BAZNAS melakaukan program Padi Organik dengan metode System of Rice Intensification. Ketersediaan lahan dan sarana air yang memadai ini menjadikan Desa Cibatu ditunjuk menjadi tempat sebagai penerapan program tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini mengidentifikasi tingkat penerapan teknologi System of Rice Intensification dan pengaruh produksi padi sesudah menggunakan System of Rice Intensification serta menganalisis  kendala dan kekurangan dari penerapan teknologi tersebut. Metode pendekatan dalam penelitian ini metode kualitatif Pendekatan rumusan masalah asosiatif dan metode kualitatif dengan prinsip induktif. Pendekatan asosiatif adalah suatu pertanyaan penelitian yang bersifat menanyakan hubungan antara dua variabel atau lebih. Prinsip induktif pada penelitian studi kasus mendorong penyelesaian kasus tertentu, melalui pengujian sebuah teori dan rosesnya dilakukan melalui investigasi sebuah kasus tertentu dengan mendeskripsikan data sebagai proses analisis. Analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini yaitu antara lain: 1) Analisis Penetapan Skoring dan Interval; 2) Analsis Deskriptif Kualitatif; 3) Uji Beda Rata - Rata Dua Sampel Berpasangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan teknologi System of Rice Intensification berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan produksi padi. Selain meningkatkan produksi padi metode tersebut juga meningkatkan kualitas padi yang berdampak terhadap harga jual beras dan juga berdampak terhadap pelestarian lingkungan.

Kata Kunci: Teknologi, System of Rice Intensification, Uji Beda Rata - Rata Dua Sampel Berpasangan, peningkatan produksi padi, pelestarian lingkungan.


Technology, System of Rice Intensification, Difference Test for Two Samples in Pair, increased rice production, environmental Conservation.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pwk.v0i0.28841

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