The Directives of Domestic Waste and Wastewater Management in Cicadas Urban Village of Cibeunying Kidul District of Bandung City

Firman Maulana, Lely Syiddatul A.


Cicadas Urban Village in the Cibeunying Kidul District is one of the most populated villages in Indonesia. The population is very high trigger high garbage and domestic wastewater. Though the land is in the village of Cicadas are very limited. Therefore, waste management and domestic wastewater in the village of Cicadas are indispensable. Problems in the Village Cicadas cover issues of infrastructure, institutional, and, most importantly, public awareness in maintaining a healthy environment. This study seeks to solve the problem of garbage and domestic wastewater in the village of Cicadas. The method used is the method of Group Discussion, stakeholders involved in the decision. Analysis methods used include qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis used descriptive and quantitative analysis used analysis of generated waste and domestic wastewater, projection analysis, and institutional. There are several alternative for handling waste and domestic wastewater in accordance with the characteristics of Cicadas Village, which is five stages lug to transport and communal wastewater management system. The result of this directive is to increase the quality of the existing environment in the village of Cicadas in terms of waste and domestic wastewater to create a spatial sustainable.


Waste Management, Domestic Wastewater, Cicadas Urban Village, Forum Group Discussion


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