The Development Strategy of Galunggung Tourism Region (A Case Study in Sukaratu District of Tasikmalaya Regency)

Denny Teguh Gumilar, Dadan Mukhsin


Mount Galunggung is a tourist site in the Sukaratu District. It has a growth and development for recreational activities and services. The mountain has functions (1) as a tourism area and (2) as a protected area for the area underneath. Based on this, Galunggung, which is part of the attraction regions offering naturally, also has various protection functions to the area underneath. This mountain requires special handling in its development. One alternative to develop tourism activities in Galunggung is to apply the concept based on disaster mitigation, given the region's tourist potential volcanic hazard and need to apply the balance of environmental well-being of local communities. This study aims to formulate Galunggung tourism development strategy in Sukaratu District. To achieve the goal, SWOT and standard methods analyses are conducted to find mitigation strategies. Thus, the need for facilities and infrastructure that support tourism can be known. The study shows that Galunggung is suitable to serve as ecotourism, because ecotourism is one of the activities of environmentally tourism. Aspects of nature conservation need to be preferred because the physical characteristics and function of the area that requires protection and broad impact on the surrounding area. This study suggests the integrated planning of the Galunggung that enables the growth and development of tourism goes well, manufacturing planning of economic activities, social activities to promote local community, improving educational activities to buid environment consciousness, simulation of disaster, the addition of means and the amount of safety labors and checkpoints, and improved quality of services.


Development, Tourism, Natural, Safe, Comfortable, Sukaratu


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