Strategi Penentuan Prioritas Kawasan Permukiman Ciloseh Kota Tasikmalaya Berdasarkan Kriteria Kekumuhan

Risya Nurazizah, Bambang Pranggono


Abstract. The development of a city can not be separated from the population growth occurring either occurring naturally or as a result of urbanization. Increasing the number of population is directly proportional to the amount of increase in housing needs. On the other hand, the amount of urban land is limited. Allah in Surah Al-A'raaf paragraph 74 has ordered a man to remain erect buildings in a decent place to wake up. Tasikmalaya city as a city that experienced a shift in the role of being Regional Activity Centresfor the area behind it increasingly shows the rapid development so as to encourage the development of urbanization and cause an imbalance between the amount of land to population. The phenomenon raises issues growing problem of illegal buildings in the border region Cilosehriver and rail. The aim of this study is the identification of settlements located along the river and the railway Ciloseh based criteria untidiness and determining the handling and priority handling is done. This study uses the identification guidelines slum vitality which includes non-economic criteria, the criteria of economic vitality, land status criteria, criteria for infrastructure conditions, government commitment and priority handling. The method used to assess the criteria slums is the weighting system. In this study, the study area was divided into three blocks of assessment. Results of the assessment showed that the block 1 has a high-level slum category, block 2 has a rundown medium category and block 3 has a low rundown category. Based on the characteristics of slums, block 1 priority for treatment performed in the first stage using treatment efforts through property development approach while the handling of the blocks 2 and 3 is done through your approach to land development in the next stage.



Urbanisasi, KawasanPermukimanKumuh, Property Development, Guide Land Development


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