Pra Struktur Permukiman Komunitas Akur (Adat Karuhun Urang) Cigugur Kabupaten Kuningan
Abstract. Each indigenous community usually has its own characteristic and authenticity that makes the indigenous community "distinctive" and differs between one indigenous community and other indigenous communities. One of the indigenous communities of the "Religion of Java Sunda" is still maintaining a pluralism view, there are at least three classes of trust adopted by the citizens of Cifell village, namely Islam, Sunda Wiwitan, and Catholic, but the attitude of tolerance and mutual respect among religious people is very felt in the AKUR ciautumn community. This research aims to explore the existence of space and the authenticity of the space AKUR Ciautumn community. According to (Howard, 1982), human existence is merely a place where the reality arises as it is, then the reality itself is time. Authenticity is also the underlying thing of this research is being legalable. (Ram et al., 2016), said authentically identical to the real thing, original and true in substance, authenticity created by the balance of human rationality and emotional to something, authenticity can be approached by looking at the characteristics, level of verification as well as the state of "being". Research conducted (INDRATNO, 2019), on structuralism in the AKUR community that succeeded in revealing the two awareness of the AKUR community namely nationalism and humanism, which became the background of this research to uncover the reality of the true existence of the view of the AKUR community. On the phenomenological approach the analysis technique used is a descriptive interpretativ as one of the methods of qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The process of analysis is done by tracing the realities of the AKUR community so that the interpretation of existence and the authenticity of the AKUR community is obtained. So the researcher concluded that the existence of the community AKUR is the daily life in exploration based on history, development and conflict of space. While the authenticity of the AKUR community is the national value as a life guideline.
  Keywords: reality, phenomenology, existence , AKUR community
Abstrak. Setiap komunitas adat biasanya memiliki ciri dan keautentikannya masing- masing yang menjadikan komunitas adat tersebut “khas†dan beda antara satu komunitas adat dengan komunitas adat lainnya. Salah satu komunitas adat penganut ajaran â€Agama Djawa Sunda†ini masih mempertahankan pandangan pluralisme, setidaknya ada tiga golongan kepercayaan yang dianut oleh warga Kelurahan Cigugur, yakni islam, sunda wiwitan, dan katolik, namun sikap toleransi dan saling menghargai antar umat beragama sangat terasa di Komunitas AKUR Cigugur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi eksistensi ruang Komunitas AKUR Cigugur. Menurut (Howard, 1982), eksistensi manusia hanyalah sekedar tempat dimana realitas itu muncul secara apa adanya, maka realitas itu sendiri adalah waktu. Penelitian yang dilakukan (Indratno, 2019), mengenai strukturalisme pada Komunitas AKUR yang berhasil mengungkap dua kesadaran Komunitas AKUR yaitu nasionalisme dan humanisme, yang menjadi latar belakang penelitian ini untuk mengungkap realitas eksistensi sesungguhnya dari pandangan Komunitas AKUR. Pada pendekatan fenomenologi teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif interpretativ sebagai salah satu metoda penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Proses analisis dilakukan dengan menelusuri realitas meruang dari Komunitas AKUR sehingga diperoleh tafsir Eksistensi Komunitas AKUR. Sehingga peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa eksistensi Komunitas AKUR adalah keseharian meruang yang di eksplorasi berdasarkan sejarah, pembangunan dan konflik ruang Komunitas AKUR.
Kata Kunci : realitas, fenomenologi, eksistensi, Komunitas AKUR
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