Kajian Fungsi Masjid di Kawasan Trans Studio Bandung

Qonita Salma, Bambang Pranggono


Abstract. Facilities are all things in the form of objects that can facilitate the implementation of a particular business (Sam: 2012). Worship facilities as one of the supporting elements of the continuity of religious activities in a city. The Trans Studio Bandung Great Mosque is the first mosque in the trade and service area in Indonesia, which was inaugurated in 2015. This study uses a qualitative approach that is research that uses a naturalistic approach to find understanding of phenomena in a particular contextual setting. In qualitative research researchers are required to focus more on the basic principles of phenomena that occur in social life, which will later be analyzed using existing theories. The results of the research analysis show that the function of the mosque has changed and shifted from time to time. Its function is not yet known in the trade and service area. Then the findings of this study know the history, physical condition, and management of the mosque. In addition, knowing the functions of the mosque, such as worship, education, social and cultural functions. Understanding of all mosque managers (ta'mir) becomes the most important thing in making the mosque function more prosperous.

Keywords: Facilities, History, Management, Mosque, Worship, Education, Social, and Culture



Abstrak. Fasilitas adalah segala sesuatu yang berupa benda yang dapat memudahkan pelaksanaa suatu usah tertentu (Sam: 2012). Fasilitas peribadatan sebagai salah satu unsur penunjang kelangsungan kegiatan-kegiatan keagamaan di suatu kota. Masjid Agung Trans Studio Bandung ini merupakan masjid pertama di dalam Kawasan perdagangan dan jasa di Indonesia yang diresmikan pada tahun 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan naturalistik untuk menemukan pemahaman mengenai fenomena dalam suatu latar yang berkonteks khusus. Pada penelitian kualitatif peneliti diharuskan untuk lebih fokus pada prisip dasar fenomena yang terjadi  dalam kehidupan sosial, yang nantinya akan dianalisis dengan menggunakan teori yang sudah ada. Hasil dari analisis penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fungsi masjid telah terjadi perubahan dan pergeseran dari masa ke masa. Masjid dalam Kawasan perdagangan dan jasa ini belum diketahui fungsinya. Maka temuan penelitian ini mengetahui sejarah, keadaan fisik, dan manajemen masjid. Selain itu, mengetahui fungsi-fungsi masjid, seperti fungsi ibadah, pendidikan, sosial, dan budaya. Pemahaman  dari  seluruh pengelola masjid (ta’mir) menjadi hal terpenting dalam memakmurkan fungsi masjid.

Kata Kunci: Fasilitas, Sejarah, Manajemen, Masjid,  Ibadah, Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya


Fasilitas, Sejarah, Manajemen, Masjid, Ibadah, Pendidikan, Sosial, dan Budaya

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Abstarct. Facilities are all things in the form of objects that can facilitate the implementation of a particular business (Sam: 2012). Worship facilities as one of the supporting elements of the continuity of religious activities in a city. The Trans Studio Bandung Great Mosque is the first mosque in the trade and service area in Indonesia, which was inaugurated in 2015. This study uses a qualitative approach that is research that uses a naturalistic approach to find understanding of phenomena in a particular contextual setting. In qualitative research researchers are required to focus more on the basic principles of phenomena that occur in social life, which will later be analyzed using existing theories. The results of the research analysis show that the function of the mosque has changed and shifted from time to time. Its function is not yet known in the trade and service area. Then the findings of this study know the history, physical condition, and management of the mosque. In addition, knowing the functions of the mosque, such as worship, education, social and cultural functions. Understanding of all mosque managers (ta'mir) becomes the most important thing in making the mosque function more prosperous.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pwk.v0i0.18201

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