Kajian Kegiatan Perikanan Tangkap Di Kawasan Minapolitan Kota Ternate

Hidayat Yahya


Abstract. Based on Ternate City RTRW years 2012 - 2032 on Regional development strategy of new growth centers in order to avoid gaps in other areas of the city of Ternate is to develop the Minapolitan as a new economic growth area in the coastal region, while in the processing and marketing are still not good because it has not ditunjangnya facilities, infrastructure and other support in accordance with the regulations and standards in order to promote the economy of fishing communities, so that the resulting fisheries production had to be sold immediately and consumed by the fishermen. The purpose of this study is to identify the needs of facilities, infrastructure and other support to the activities of fisheries, identifying fish marketing activities and determine the fish processing activities in Minapolitan Ternate. The method used in the study is the bottom-up method of analysis is exploratory qualitative and quantitative. Based on the research results, Kota Ternate fishery potential based on data from the Department of Fisheries and Marine City Ternate saving potential fishery with standing stock of 71757.38 tons / year, while in 2016 the production of fishery 28 719 tonnes / year, thus the utilization of fisheries is still "under exploitatation" so the chances of utilization and the processing of fishery resources in the city of Ternate still need to be developed. Recapitulation of the results table, the level of availability for the means of being categorized with a value of 57.14%, infrastructure availability rate is average with a value of 66.66%, while for the other supporting categorized as high at 100%. The marketing system in the city of Ternate can harm the fishermen for marketing most of the fishermen are forced to sell directly to consumers, This problem can be overcome by creating a zone of additional support to be able to serve the activities of fisheries in the form of The Fish Marketing (TPI). In the industrial tree picture can be seen that the processing of fish carried in Ternate just be on the meat while processing may also affect the liver, fins, head, skin, silage, and bones. This is because all of the cottage industry can only handle part of the meat of the fish. Kind of tuna is a fish species that dominate fisheries production in Ternate. Production-based processing is the processing of tuna species to enhanced production figures processed into fillets, frozen fish, smoked fish, salted fish, boiled fish, shredded, crackers, fish meal, fish oil, and gelatin. In the industrial tree picture can be seen that the processing of fish carried in Ternate just be on the meat while processing may also affect the liver, fins, head, skin, silage, and bones. This is because all of the cottage industry can only handle part of the meat of the fish. Kind of tuna is a fish species that dominate fisheries production in Ternate. Production-based processing is the processing of tuna species to enhanced production figures processed into fillets, frozen fish, smoked fish, salted fish, boiled fish, shredded, crackers, fish meal, fish oil, and gelatin. In the industrial tree picture can be seen that the processing of fish carried in Ternate just be on the meat while processing may also affect the liver, fins, head, skin, silage, and bones. This is because all of the cottage industry can only handle part of the meat of the fish. Kind of tuna is a fish species that dominate fisheries production in Ternate. Production-based processing is the processing of tuna species to enhanced production figures processed into fillets, frozen fish, smoked fish, salted fish, boiled fish, shredded, crackers, fish meal, fish oil, and gelatin. This is because all of the cottage industry can only handle part of the meat of the fish. Kind of tuna is a fish species that dominate fisheries production in Ternate. Production-based processing is the processing of tuna species to enhanced production figures processed into fillets, frozen fish, smoked fish, salted fish, boiled fish, shredded, crackers, fish meal, fish oil, and gelatin. This is because all of the cottage industry can only handle part of the meat of the fish. Kind of tuna is a fish species that dominate fisheries production in Ternate. Production-based processing is the processing of tuna species to enhanced production figures processed into fillets, frozen fish, smoked fish, salted fish, boiled fish, shredded, crackers, fish meal, fish oil, and gelatin.

Keyword : minapolitan, fisheries, hiterland zone, city eclectus

Abstrak : Berdasarkan RTRW Kota Ternate tahun 2012 – 2032 tentang strategi pengembangan kawasan pusat pertumbuhan baru untuk menghindari ketimpangan pada kawasan lain di Kota Ternate adalah dengan mengembangkan kawasan minapolitan sebagai kawasan pertumbuhan ekonomi baru pada kawasan pesisir, sementara dalam pengolahan dan pemasaran masih belum baik karena belum ditunjangnya sarana, prasarana dan penunjang lainnya yang sesuai dengan peraturan dan standar untuk dapat memajukan perekonomian masyarakat nelayan, sehingga produksi perikanan tangkap yang dihasilkan terpaksa dijual langsung dan dikonsumsi oleh para nelayan tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kebutuhan sarana, prasarana dan penunjang lainnya untuk kegiatan perikanan tangkap, mengidentifikasi kegiatan pemasaran ikan dan menentukan kegiatan pengolahan ikan di kawasan minapolitan Kota Ternate. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam studi adalah bottom-up, metode analisis yang digunakan adalah eksploratif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, Potensi perikanan Kota Ternate berdasarkan data dari Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Ternate menyimpan potensi perikanan dengan standing stock sebesar 71.757,38 ton/tahun sedangkan dalam tahun 2016 produksi perikanan 28.719 ton/tahun, dengan demikian pemanfaatan potensi perikanan masih “under exploitatation†sehingga peluang pemanfaatan dan pengolahan sumberdaya perikanan Kota Ternate masih perlu dikembangkan. Dari tabel hasil rekapitulasi maka tingkat ketersediaan untuk sarana dikategorikan sedang dengan nilai 57,14%, prasarana tingkat ketersediaan dikategorikan sedang dengan nilai 66,66% sedangkan untuk penunjang lainnya dikategorikan tinggi dengan nilai 100%. Sistem pemasaran yang ada di Kota Ternate dapat merugikan terhadap nelayan karena pemasaran hampir sebagian nelayan terpaksa menjual langsung kepada konsumen, permasalahan ini dapat diatasi dengan membuat zona pendukung tambahan untuk dapat melayani kegiatan perikanan tangkap berupa Tempat Pemasaran Ikan (TPI). Pada gambar pohon industri dapat dilihat bahwa pengolahan ikan yang dilakukan di Kota Ternate hanya berada pada bagian daging sedangkan pengolahan juga terdapat pada bagian hati, sirip, kepala, kulit, silase, dan tulang. Hal ini karena semua industri rumahan hanya dapat mengolah bagian daging dari ikan. Jenis ikan cakalang merupakan jenis ikan yang mendominasi produksi perikanan tangkap di Kota Ternate. Produksi pengolahan berbahan dasar jenis ikan cakalang merupakan pengolahan yang dapat ditingkatkan angka produksi olahannya menjadi fillet, ikan beku, ikan asap, ikan asin, ikan pindang, abon, kerupuk, tepung ikan, minyak ikan, dan gelatin.

Kata Kunci: minapolitan, perikanan tangkap, zona hiterland, kota ternate


minapolitan, perikanan tangkap, zona hiterland, kota ternate

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/pwk.v0i0.13720

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