RASISME DALAM FILM “NGENEST†(Studi Kualitatif Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes Dalam Film “NGENEST†Karya Ernest Prakasa)

Galih Pratama, Aziz Taufik Hirzi


This research is motivated by the problems of racism among people, namely in terms of ethnicity, culture, and also different physical forms such differences often result in a person getting intimidation in the form of verbal violence and non verbal violence. "Ngenest" movie, is one of the true story films that illustrates the rare phenomenon of Indonesian society's racism against the race-ridden minority of China.This study aims to find out how the signs used to represent racism in the film "Ngenest", signs that show symptoms of racism that is verbal and non verbal violence.This research includes descriptive qualitative study with semiotic analysis approach with Roland Barthes theory. The data in this study is obtained through the selection of scenes in "Ngenest" movie which contain elements of racism. And look for data from various articles, books, internet, etc. The analysis is done through two stages, namely the first level of significance, the denotation meaning contained in the scenes and followed by the second level of significance that describes the meaning of the connotation in this stage occurs the myth.The conclusion of this research is that racism occurs from prejudice, and negative stereotypes against minorities that lead to physical violence, humiliation, etc. In "Ngenest" movie a lot of scenes or scenes that lead to Intimidation that has the values of racism described by the behavior of intimidation. Racism that occurs in "Ngenest" movie is simple and very close to our daily lives but can cause consequences.


Racism, Ngenest Movie , Ernest Prakasa, Semiotics


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Sumber Online:

https://www.merdeka.com/dunia/lima-negara-paling-rasis/arab-saudi.html (Tanggal akses 10 Februari 2017, pk. 23.30 WIB)

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29313/.v0i0.7392

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