Blasphemy Of Basuki Tjahya Purnama Full In The Frame Of Student Media

Muhammad Rizal Ramadhan, Doddy Iskandar


Blasphemy is an issue that is currently being discussed throughout social media. Each incident always raises the pros and cons even blasphemy turns into one of many issues in the political vortex. It cannot be denied that the emergence of blasphemy is inseparable from the role of mass media, particularly from collegian circle. SUAKA UIN, LPM Institute UIN, and Media Mahasiswa Indonesia, became the leading fighters for facing this national issue. Basically, framing is a method to see how the media tells the story of an event (story telling). Through frame, a journalist creates an event that can be understood by a particular perspective. According to Pan and Kosicki, framing analysis can be one of the alternatives in analyzing the text media besides quantitative content analysis. Framing analysis is considered as public discourse on an issue or constructed or negotiated policy. Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Konsicki operationalized four structural dimensions of news text as a framing tool: syntax, script, thematic, and rhetorical. In the process of writing itself, SUAKA UIN gives more educational side to community on how to be alert of blasphemy in the political vortex, LPM Institute UIN, describes political development in Indonesia today and Media Mahasiswa Indonesia, reports the commodification of SARA in Jakarta political glass screen.


Blasphemy, framing, Media Mahasiswa Indonesia, SUAKA UIN, LPM Institute UIN.


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