Nine Element of Journalistic on Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper’s Headline News

Risky Putri Hananie, Yenni Yuniati


Mass media has some of media types including printed media, electronic media and to the latest is the online media. The presence of the new media that is online media obviously greatly the consumption of the other mass media. In the way of spreading news, online media replaced the role of printed media. Different way with the printed media, online media ruled out the nine element of journalistic. Until now, the printed media is still using that aspect. Based on the problem, the research problem formulation is “How The Application of Nine Elements of Journalistic on Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper’s Headline News?†This research is a descriptive quantitative research with the content analysis method using 10 samples that selected using purposive sampling technique taken from news population pusblished in Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper February 2017 edition. The result show that publishing news as headlines, Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper has applied the nine element of journalistic very well.


Mass Media, Newspaper, Nine Element of Journalistic


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