Persepsi Z Generation Terhadap Subtitutability dan Complementary Music Streaming Services

Dyah Kurnia Sasanti, Kurnia Kurnia


Saat ini Music Streaming Services merupakan salah satu digital broadcasting platform yang memiliki penetrasi pengguna generasi z yang berpotensi menjadi kompetitor digital broadcasting konvensional. Fenomena ini menarik untuk dipahami terkait persepsi generasi z dalam penggunaan Music Streaming Services sebagai digital broadcasting platform, apakah hanya digunakan sebagai subtitusi media atau digunakan sebagai complemetary media. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami persepsi audiens generasi z terhadap substitutability dan complementary Media. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan responden generasi z pengguna Music Streaming Services. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Purposive Sampling dengan ukuran sampel Lemeshow sejumlah 100 responden. Data diperoleh melalui distribusi kuesioner online yang disusun berdasarkan skala pengukuran likert  1 (sangat tidak setuju) hingga 5 (sangat setuju). Data diuji dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS) dengan tahapan pengujian model pengukuran melalui uji validitas dan reliabilitas, serta pengujian model struktural (Structural Equation Modeling) untuk menilai signifikansi hipotesis penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Audiences Perception dapat menjelaskan persepsi generasi z terhadap penggunaan Music Streaming Services sebagai Digital Broadcasting Platform. Generasi z mempersepsikan bahwa Music Streaming Services merupakan Digital Broadcasting Platform yang dapat menggantikan (subtitution media) maupun melengkapi (complementary media) penggunaan Music Broadcasting konvensional. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan adanya fenomena perpindahan peran fungsional Music Streaming Services merupakan Digital Broadcasting Platform yang terlihat lebih dominan sebagai media yang telah menggantikan keberadaan Music Broadcasting konvensional.

Currently, Music Streaming Services is one of the digital broadcasting platforms that has penetration of generation z users who have the potential to become competitors of conventional digital broadcasting. This phenomenon is interesting to understand regarding the perception of generation z in the use of Music Streaming Services as a digital broadcasting platform, whether it is only used as media substitution or used as complementary media. This study aims to understand the perception of the generation z audience towards substitutability and complementary media. This study is a quantitative study with respondents of generation z users Music Streaming Services. The sampling technique used in this research is Purposive Sampling with a sample size of 100 respondents Lemeshow. Data were obtained through the distribution of online questionnaires based on a Likert measurement scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The data were tested and analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS) with the stages of testing the measurement model through validity and reliability tests, as well as structural model testing (Structural Equation Modeling) to assess the significance of the research hypothesis. The results of this study indicate that Audience Perception can explain the perception of generation z towards the use of Music Streaming Services as a Digital Broadcasting Platform. Generation z perceives that Music Streaming Services is a Digital Broadcasting Platform that can replace (substitution media) or complement (complementary media) the use of Music Broadcasting conventional. This study also shows the phenomenon of switching the functional role of Music Streaming Services, which is a Digital Broadcasting Platform which is seen as more dominant as a medium that has replaced the existence of Music Streaming Services Music Broadcasting conventional.

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